Here's a pict of the assorted frames that I have found recently. It's much easier for me to buy the base frame than to make it myself. It's not very easy getting those miter cuts exact and have everything fit correctly! Still working on these skills! The square frames tend to end up in a star shaped tramp art frames.
They have to be flat faced, made out of wood, and sturdy. Glass is a plus but not necessary - I have great glass cutter when necessary. I like the not so ordinary sizes, shapes and colors. They must be sturdy!
Not sure how these will work their way into one of my pieces but I could not pass them up. Old metal with patina, old paint and who of course doesn't need a giant wooden key? It's not signed any where but does say Deer Isle Maine on it. A great piece of folk art!
Bunches of mosaic tiles in very nautical shades of blue, grey and black. I am thinking something very nautical, with a boat, water.....time will tell.
Couldn't pass up this amazing piece of white birch bark! The colors, cracks and knots are just gorgeous! This is definitely going to end up in one of my pieces after I figure out how to work with it. A Maine-ish frame with maybe pinecones, thin branches, Native barks.....or maybe an Adirondack inspired piece.
I am so thankful for this part of the creation process. It's so much fun while looking and so satisfying to see these treasures find their homes in my pieces!!
Happy Tramping Angie
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