Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Next Project: Heart Tramp Art FRame

After getting the OK from my glass cutter (Thank you Steve at Glassource), I officially started my heart shaped Tramp Art Frame.  This one is going to be a challenge for me with some from scratch base construction but I am looking forward to the final piece.

Here is the design I am heading into the project with.  The final pieces usually stay pretty close to the original designs with some slight differences depending on on-hand materials.

I'm kinda excited about this piece - finally will figure out some construction question that I have been pondering. 
I will post pics as this heart frame takes shape.  Now for color selection.....reds, no, greens.  We will see.
Happy UPcycling    Angie

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lacy Yellow Tulip Frame 5 x 7

This tramp art piece started with a very plain, basic pine frame that needed some magic.  I decided to create a lacey, yellow tulip frame that was inspired by my recent jaunts among my tulips and daffodils. 

After designing, cutting and notching, I ended up with approximately 70 pieces of tramp art puzzle pieces.

Here is my dry run.

I added a crown to the top and built the rest upon the basic pine frame.
Here is the finished tramp art frame.  Up to 6 layers, 70 hand chipped pieces later...
The finished frame.  This piece will be listed for sale on ebay.  Now to decide what the next project will be....
Happy Upcycling      Angie

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring is Here and I Have PRoof!

Yes! Spring is here. After spending 15 minutes outside in the dank weather, I have photographic proof.  It's amazing the small signs that we don't always see as we are going about our busy days. Grocery shopping, taxi service, cooking, etc.  Who has time? Right? 

As the old saying goes, We should all stop and smell the roses. Well, I stopped and smelled the roses for those 15 minutes and feel 100% better.  I discovered that after a long, cold and sun deprived winter, spring has finally arrived with amazing beauty.

Pussy Willows - Soft and Fluffy

Daffodil - Heavy with Dew

Wet with Dew

Bud on Quince - Like a bouquet of roses

Just what the doctor ordered and the best thing for that creativity.  Back to my wood chipping...
Happy Upcycling,   Angie

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Love of OWls

I absolutely love owls!  As I sit here and write this, all I have to do is look around and they are there.  They have surrounded me since I can remember.  From my favorite shirt ordered from Sears when I was ten to the painting that I was so proud of when I was eleven, they have always existed in my life.  Like someone watching over me, a guardian, in the background.  Protecting. 

They also come out sometimes in my pieces.  This baby owl piece was inspired by one of our favorite books when my kids were small called "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell.  If you haven't read it to a small person, I highly recommend it.  It's comforting, the illustrations are wonderful and whats not to love about baby owls.

Here is my Baby Owlets piece.

16 x 26 Owlet Frame - Tramp Art Mirror

Owlet Detail
Owlet in Tree Detail


We are blessed to have the Stanwood Wildlife Sanctuary in my town and have had many up close visits with these amazing creatures. They continue to be an important presence in my life and my artwork.
Happy Upcycling   Angie

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spigot Flowers Tramp Art FRame

The Challenge:

Beautiful spigot handles in amazing colors that resemble flowers. Love these!


And a faux tiger maple frame with a print that needs a little something.  A spark!

After working with epoxy glue and decorative tacks, the spigot flowers were created.   Some wood chipping here, decorative tacks there and VIOLA the spigot flower tramp art Frame came to be.  I think it looks amazing!!  What do you think??


Happy Upcycling.   Angie

Friday, April 5, 2013

UpCycling Treasures for future Tramp ARt

Just wanted to share some of my most recent upcycling treasures that I found in my travels.  I don't always know at the time what their home in the end will be but continue to collect all of the richly colored, rusty and interesting things that I find in my day to day life.

Love these old vintage yard sticks.  Advertising of a store of our childhood, beautiful rich colors and time worn wood.  Whats not to love!  I see a frame in the future...

Fell in love with these spigot handles as soon as I saw them.  Definitely flowers in disguise.

Amazing colors!!  Vintage bottle caps! Love using these on my frames
These have been tricky to use in my creations.  They are almost impossible to cut and are hard to drive into anything.  Ideas?

Who doesn't love old fashion keys?  And their smell?  I have used some of these wonderful keys in a couple of projects already!
I usually live with my finds for a while before I know I have the  right project for them.  It's extremely satisfying to finally see the right project come together with my elusive finds for that perfect tramp art piece.
Happy Upcycling.    Angie